Getting Acquainted with common customs and practices in Iran
Iranian Names:
A complete Iranian name is composed of two parts; a family name (surname) and a given name. The surname is usually passed down from father to children. Some are named after their birth place, while others are named after natural sights or virtues. The women still kept their surname after marriage. The given name is often composed of one or two characters that some are Arabic and some old Persian.
We usually address an Iranian person by his or her family name. Otherwise it can be considered impolite; unless you are longtime, good friends. Following the surname, use "Aghaye" (Mr.) for men, and "Khanume" (Mrs. , Ms.) for women. Using the same western custom, we suggest that you please add professional title after his or her family names when addressing a very important person.
Time Difference:
Time in Tehran is three and a half hours ahead of GMT. After you have set your watch to the local time you should bear in mind that when you are having your breakfast in Tehran, people in western Europe are sound asleep. Consider this when making long distance phone calls. Depending from where you have come, it may be too late or too early for making a phone call or expecting one.
Weights and Measures:
Like most of the countries of the world ,Iran uses the well known metric system in which length is measured by meters and weight by kilograms. To convert metric system quantities into British or American measures you may use the conversion tables which usually appear at the end of dictionaries, calendars, etc.
As far as electrical power supply is concerned, the owner supply in Iran is 220 V but in some hotels conversion to 110 V may also be available.
Business Hours:
Banks, hospitals, and post offices are usually open every day with an opening hour from 7:30 or 8:30 a.m. to 14:00 p.m. or 16:00 p.m. except public holidays. On Thursdays they close earlier.
Most hotels and some restaurants provide Internet services (WiFi). Generally, you can surf the Internet quickly and smoothly. You may also provide your own Sim & Data to be connected when you are away from your hotels.