The calendar that is formally used in Iran is called Persian Calendar (or the Solar Hijri calendar). It is not an exaggeration to say that Persian Calander is one of the world's most exact calendar systems. The Solar Hijri calendar should not be confused with the Islamic calendar (or Hijri calendar) utilized in many Islamic countries and by Muslims around the globe.
The Persian Calendar is a solar calendar, signifying that its time calculation is formed on the Earth's movements around the Sun.
Unalike the Gregorian calendar system that goes along with a set of pre-arranged rules to stay in sync with the solar year, the Persian Calendar is based upon astronomical observations. The year starts at midnight nearest to the vernal equinox in Iran. The first day of the New Year is called Nowruz, and it’s celebrated around the globe by Iranian peoples.
There are several religious and national holidays in the Persian Calendar. The highlighted ones in red are of those that tourist sites and museums are closed.
25 January | Birthday of Imam Ali | 5 May | Martyrdom of Imam Sadeq |
8 Februray | Prophet Muhammad's Ascension | 3 June | Demise of Imam Khomeini |
11 Februray | Revolution Day | 4 June | Revolt of Khordad 15 |
25 Februray | Imam Mahdi's birthday | 17 June | Eid-e-Ghorban (Feast of Sacrifice) |
19 March | Oil Nationalization Day | 25 June | Eid-al-Ghadir |
21 March | Norouz Holiday | 16 July | Tassoua |
22 March | Norouz Holiday | 17 July | Ashura |
23 March | Norouz Holiday | 25 August | Arbaeen |
24 March | Norouz Holiday | 2 September | Martrydom of prophet Mohammad |
31 March | Islamic Republic Day | 4 September | Martyrdom of Imam Reza |
1 April | Martyrdom of Imam Ali | 12 September | Martyrdom of Imam Hassan Asgari |
11 April | Eid-e-Fetr (End of Ramadan) | 21 September | Birthday of Prophet Muhammad and Imam Sadeq |
12 April | Eid-e-Fetr (End of Ramadan) | 5 Dec | Martyrdom of Fatima |
14 January | Birthday of Imam Ali | 4 June | Demise of Imam Khomeini |
28 January | Prophet Muhammad's Ascension | 5 June | Revolt of Khordad 15 |
10 Februray | Revolution Day | 7 June | Eid-e-Ghorban (Feast of Sacrifice) |
19 March | Martyrdom of Imam Ali | 15 June | Eid-al-Ghadir |
20 March | Martyrdom of Imam Ali | 5 July | Tassoua |
21 March | Norouz Holiday | 6 July | Ashura |
22 March | Norouz Holiday | 15 August | Arbaeen |
23 March | Norouz Holiday | 23 August | Martrydom of prophet Mohammad |
24 March | Norouz Holiday | 24 August | Martyrdom of Imam Reza |
31 March | Eid-e-Fetr(End of Ramadan) | 1 September | Martyrdom of Imam Hassan Asgari |
1 April | Eid-e-Fetr(End of Ramadan) | 10 September | Birthday of Prophet Muhammad and Imam Sadeq |
2 April | Sizdah-Be-Dar(Nature Day) | 25 November | Martyrdom of Fatima |
24 April | Martyrdom of Imam Sadeq |